From “Workshop promotes trade apprenticeships for women” — Green Bay – Northeast Wisconsin Technical College hopes a workshop being held on campus Tuesday night will help push more women to become involved in a new apprenticeship program at the school.

The workshop is from 5:30 to 7:30 on April 17 in the executive dining room of the student center.

Mandy Dombrowski is an electrical apprentice at NWTC, and is proof the trade isn’t just for men.

Tuesday she was working on bending pipe that would run to electricity boxes.

What she loves about this trade is that no two days are the same.

“You think, you troubleshoot. It’s a lot of different things, not one thing sitting at a desk. You go to different job sites all the time,” she said.

NWTC is working to attract more women to the apprenticeship program through a workshop Tuesday. Women working in different trades will give out information and be on-hand to answer questions.

“I want to make sure that anyone that thinks about it at least comes to check it out as a viable opportunity,” NWTC apprenticeship manager Todd Kiel said.

Kiel says NWTC would like to increase the number of women in the program from 10 percent to 25 percent.

“We always think of construction jobs as being jobs for big burly men and you have to really be strong, and that’s not necessarily the case anymore,” he said.

“So many people think it’s just job site, construction, but once you’re done with the apprenticeship program, there’s so many different areas you can go into,” Dombrowski said.

Different areas that are opening new doors for women.